Why toothbrush is critical for healthy teeth and gums

For healthy teeth and gums, you know that it is necessary to follow your daily dental care. This includes:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day, especially before you go to bed!
  • Regular flossing.
  • Avoid high sugar fruits and beverages, especially hard candy or chewing sugar, chewing gum and soft drinks.
  • Regular professional examinations and tooth cleaning with the dentist.

Even if you follow the basic steps of a healthy tooth, it may inadvertently cause damage if you do not change the toothbrush if necessary. To learn more about the importance of proper equipment in dental care, let's take a closer look at your toothbrush.

Why brushing your teeth is very important

First, let's talk about the basics. Why is brushing so important? Brushing can remove plaque - food, especially foods with high sugar and starch content, beverages, even saliva, and a thin, sticky coating on the teeth. It is full of bacteria. If plaque cannot be removed regularly by brushing and flossing, it will harden into tartar. The bacteria will erode the enamel and damage the gums, causing decay and gingivitis.

Consult a dentist for toothbrush advice

When you brush your teeth, it's important to choose the right toothbrush that will allow you to reach every part of your mouth, even behind the molars at the back of your mouth. Equally important to reach every place is the type of bristle you use.

Whether you use an electric toothbrush or a manual toothbrush (both of which are available), you want to use a soft brush with a rounded tip. Hard or even bristles may be too rough, causing gum damage and enamel damage. In addition, to ensure effectiveness, please apply to the American Dental Association (ADA) for approval before purchasing a toothbrush. If you are not sure which is best, please consult your dentist and ask for his/her advice!

Replace toothbrush

You found the perfect toothbrush or bought it in a professional tooth cleaning center so you can use it for six months, right? Not exactly like this. In fact, it is best to replace the toothbrush or electric toothbrush head every three months. A little longer, the piglets may begin to wear and reduce their effectiveness.

If you are sick, or if your brush is placed next to someone else's sick brush, you should also buy a new one. You don't want bacteria to get on your toothbrush!

In addition, in order to maintain the best condition of the toothbrush and prevent bacterial growth, the toothbrush should be rinsed after each use and stored vertically in a position where the piglet can be dried. Also, avoid storing it in a closed container as this will result in faster bacterial growth.