5 things you should know about dental implants

This reminds me of a line in one of my favorite songs: "They will hit you with a fake smile, I won't say dentures..." One sentence after another.
Thankfully, we are not talking about dentures, but better things. A few decades ago, the only way to cure a tooth or a tooth was to remove the denture or the fixed bridge. We all know the difficulties we have to go through to maintain them, not to mention the discomfort that comes with them. Dental implants are a breath of fresh air and a relief for users in the dental community.
So what is a dental implant?
As the American Academy of Dental Sciences says, dental implants are a "root" of artificial teeth that are artificially placed in your mouth to support dentures such as crowns, dentures or bridges. It is made of titanium and is fused around the jaw as the root of the missing tooth.
This is currently the best - if not the only long-term option for tooth replacement. But is this suitable for you? You should perform oral and dental examinations with dental implant specialists before receiving the implant.
So if you still have all your teeth, give you more power; I hope you can keep them. But if you -- like me -- have an accident (or a tooth) in an accident, there are some things you have to know about dental implants, especially if you plan to do it. One.
1. Dental implant surgery has a high success rate
I don't know your situation, but I only saw the dentist twice, but I know that many people have been to the dentist since they were adults. Many of them have no complications during the operation. The success rate of dental implant surgery depends on the individual's dental health, the position of the implant in the lower jaw, and the expertise of the person performing the surgery. But in general, the success rate of dental implants is as high as 95%. A 2014 study showed that the implantation success rate would be higher if performed by a dental specialist.
2. Implant appearance and feel natural
When it comes to appearance and feel, the only difference between a dental implant and a real tooth is that it is not a real tooth. They are custom made to look and feel exactly the same as other teeth in your dental collection. If you like, this is a perfect replica of a missing tooth - not to mention if the surgery is performed by a dental specialist. Its natural feeling comes from its fusion with your bones. Take special care when designing the crown to make sure it is almost indistinguishable from your teeth.
I mean, you don't want to smile in public, just want someone to ask if you have done something with your teeth now, right? I bet your answer is no.
3. Implants make eating easier
Unlike other dental treatments, implants allow you to enjoy the most natural and satisfying chewing experience. You don't have to be very careful when you eat.
Are you hungry? Don't worry, eat.
Traditional dentures often slide, making it hard to enjoy chewing. Dental implants function like your natural teeth, allowing you to eat all your favorite foods without any extra effort or pain. When it comes to tooth sensitivity, the bite force that can be applied during eating is almost the same as that of a person with complete teeth. This is the most sure of allowing a better bite force than a person can afford with a traditional denture.
4. The implant can replace your missing root
When you lose a tooth, it creates a hole in the place where the root is located. Unfortunately, most tooth replacement options focus only on replacing the crown. Dental implants are mainly concentrated in the invisible part, the root or sub-layer, which I like to call it.
Your roots are fixed on your chin, which is why they can fix it in the right place - just like the root of a tree. The implant is placed in contact with the bone, entitling it to think that the root is in front of the eye. This encourages it to grow new tissue around the implant, creating a natural bond between the bone and the metal. If the root is not implanted, you will lose the mass and density of the jaw over time.
5. Implants can help protect healthy teeth
When you lose a tooth, one of the most widely used tooth replacement options is the bridge. Typically, this involves cutting certain parts of the adjacent healthy teeth to ensure proper balance of the dental bridge.
Thanks to dental implants, we can now place crowns or bridges on dental implants. Other teeth don't have to suffer because of a dilemma.